Donor area means the hair in back and sides of the head, hair in the Beard and Pubic area from where the hair are extracted during transplant. Hair in the chest and limbs are ONLY used if those are of exceptionally good quality. These are not sensitive to DHT hormone ( Dehydrotestosterone) and are therefore permanent. Earlier it was thought that when these hair are taken out ; they leave some stem cells in the skin and from there atleast 50 percent of them REGROW back .But as the years have passed and thousands of donor areas have been examined it has been found that the hair once extracted don’t regrow.So hair transplant is a redistribution of hair in the bald sites.
But the hair in the donor area are TAKEN OUT RANDOMLY IN SUCH A MANNER THAT THERE IS NO BALDNESS VISIBLE OVERTHERE. And if we keep hair about one to one and a half inch in the donor no one is able to make out that anything has been done there.