What can I do if I accidentally scratch my recipient area after the procedure?
If you have scratched your scalp after the hair transplant within 12-15 days of the procedure then there are chances…
If you have scratched your scalp after the hair transplant within 12-15 days of the procedure then there are chances…
We don’t recommend leaving by yourself immediately after the hair transplant. If you have a driver or are going by any other…
According to Dr. Niraj Kakkar, says “Hair on top of the head can be DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) sensitive and are prone to fall. The rest…
There is no help required from a patient after the hair transplant is done…
Alcohol shows Zinc absorption in the body and zinc is a necessary mineral for hair growth …
According to Dr. Niraj Kakkar “Patience is of utmost importance after…
You can easily sleep after hair transplant. But, in some cases people complain that they are not able to sleep in the first 1-2 days…
Next day after the procedure, one can GENTLY touch the transplanted area with a hand. By that time…
Dr. Niraj Kakkar says that, “Shampoo is just soap and it doesn’t have any role in hair growth. Recover Hair…
If you’ve suffered from hair loss you’re probably look not good. you have tried all the lotions and potions and…