02 How much pain will I have to bear?
We can’t say about other centre’s but at our centre we claim a totally pain free procedure with our own devised and patented techniques.
We can’t say about other centre’s but at our centre we claim a totally pain free procedure with our own devised and patented techniques.
No. First hair are removed not in bunches but very carefully leaving one to three hair in between. Secondly because of the left stem cells 50 to 60 percent of them regrow back and the donor area looks quite good just after two weeks.
One may have mild itching, headache and numbness which subsides soon after sometime.
Swelling comes after one to two days of transplant but goes off in about two days. People usually carry on with their normal routines by wearing dark glasses for about four days after transplant.
God has made every human being in different way. But normally people with good will power are able to resume their activities in one to two days.
At our centre we put counted and sorted out 300 Grafts in one Petri Dish(Tray). So anyone can count 300 Grafts and multiply by the number of trays lying in the Refrigerator to get to know the total number of extracted grafts.
We can’t say about other centre’s but at our centre we claim a totally pain free procedure with our own devised and patented techniques.
No. First hair are removed not in bunches but very carefully leaving one to three hair in between. Secondly because of the left stem cells 50 to 60 percent of them regrow back and the donor area looks quite good just after two weeks.